May 2021 - September 2021

100 Days of Generative Art


In the spring semester of 2021, I learned Processing during one of my courses. Nearing the end, I discovered the possibilities of generative artwork made with code. I thought, "Hey! This is pretty cool... how?" and thus began my journey into generative coding.


Solo project documented on Instagram, learning and creating generative artworks with Processing.




I first started with finding inspiration and tutorials to jumpstart my journey.

One of my most referenced resources is The Coding Train who has released the popular book, The Nature of Code. I also found inspiration from OpenProcessing. Other resources have been referenced in the relevant posts on my Instagram.

I started off with tutorials to gain a more in-depth idea about how generative coding was different from the game-oriented coding I learned during school.

Being relatively new to the world of generative coding, I didn't have a thorough understanding of why or how some of the code achieved certain results. However, for each project I did, I experimented and changed as much properties as I could, observing how one aspect would affect the final result.

After completing the 100 days, I also spent a bit of time experimenting with TouchDesigner. It was interesting seeing how the concepts I learnt throughout the 100 days could be applied in a visual way.


Over the course of the ~5 month project, I was able to learn a new skill and creative inspiration. It gave me a sense of reward, knowing that I could persevere and accomplish something like this. I was also able to work out my brain which had been dormant for a little while.

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