Summer Semester 2023
Individual assignment

App Design Mini Projects


These were two mini-projects created for the IAT 334 course. The first design is a social media/community, and the second is a redesign of an existing app.


UI design, UX wireflows, concept



Community Webapp

For the community app I chose to create a webapp catered to watch enthusiasts and collectors. I wanted to experiment around with how the interactions were displayed, and how users could verify and share their watch models. As such, I opted to play around with a static area that displays the interactions. The values will update as the users scroll through posts, but the area will stay in place.

Forex Calculator App

For the redesign, I chose to recreate a Forex calculator used to calculate lot sizing and risk. I found that although the original app achieved everything it needed, some steps were not clear and certain states did not update, leading to some confusion while using the app. I wanted to redesign the app and add features that make it more efficient and quick for the user to calculate on the fly.

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